Sciton Laser: Everything You Need To Know About Laser Hair Reduction Technology

Sciton Laser: Everything You Need To Know About Laser Hair Reduction Technology

Laser hair reduction is a great solution for individuals seeking a more permanent hair reduction option than regular shaving, depilation, or even waxing! Within this realm of the aesthetics industry, the Sciton brand stands out as a top choice for both clients and professionals! This company’s innovative lasers offer safe, effective, and customizable solutions for reducing unwanted hair. At Seven Trees Aesthetics, we’re here to help our clients with top-quality services designed to bring to life the look you’ve been dreaming of! Keep reading to learn more about Sciton Lasers and how our team can help you reduce your unwanted hair.

infographic about how to prepare and care for a Sciton laser treatment
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About Laser Hair Reduction

What is laser hair reduction? During this procedure, a laser emits a broad spectrum of light wavelengths that can target the melanin in hair follicles, effectively damaging them and preventing future hair growth. This laser is suitable for clients with darker hair as the laser is able to damage these hairs and their follicles more effectively than lighter hair. This procedure can be used in many different areas on the body, including legs, arms, neck, underarms, and more.

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About Sciton Lasers

More than 25 years ago, Sciton was founded with the mission to build exceptional lasers and light sources that are designed to improve people’s lives. Because of this mission, the company works hard to develop technology that delivers visible and long-lasting results that improve patients’ skin health and boost confidence with the help of hair reduction!

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Why Sciton Is Different

Over the years, Sciton as a brand has worked to do more, not just in the industry, but for customers and partner providers. The Sciton brand team believes that investing in aesthetic platforms should be profitable for decades, which is why 96% of all Sciton systems sold in the past 10 years are still in service today. This is just another testament to the brand’s commitment to developing efficacious and innovative systems with exceptional craftsmanship and long-lasting quality for the benefit of salons and patients alike!

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Laser Hair Reduction at Seven Trees Aesthetics

Getting laser hair reduction with Seven Trees Aesthetics means that you’ll be working with a dedicated team of professionals who use high-quality technology — the Sciton Lasers — to provide you with great results! Here are some of the benefits you can enjoy when you book your appointment with our team:

  • Precise and efficient: The Sciton Laser is equipped with advanced technology and customizable settings that allow for precise targeting of specific hair and skin types. This ensures efficient and effective results, with minimal discomfort and downtime for clients.

  • Versatile: With two different types of lasers, the Sciton system can cater to a wide range of hair and skin types, making it a versatile choice for both clients and professionals.

  • Less discomfort: The built-in cooling system in the Sciton Laser makes the treatment more comfortable for clients, reducing pain and discomfort during the procedure.

  • Fast results: The Sciton Laser delivers quick and visible results, with most clients experiencing a significant reduction in hair growth after just a few sessions.

  • Long-lasting: The Sciton Laser targets the hair follicles at the root, meaning the results are more long-lasting compared to other hair removal methods.

What To Expect at Your Laser Hair Reduction Appointment

The Sciton Laser is an innovative and highly effective solution for permanent hair reduction. Its advanced technology, versatility, and customizable settings make it a top choice for individuals looking to reduce unwanted hair. If you’re considering hair reduction for yourself, contact Seven Trees Aesthetics today or create an account on our website to get started with booking online!

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